Best Practice Career Counseling Report


AI Assisted Career Counseling App

Best Practice Career Counseling Report


AI Assisted Career Counseling App

Less Time Assessing / More Time Counseling

One Assessment – All Four Domains

Interests, Values, Personality, and Abilities

One Report with their Top 100 Careers

Hyperlinked to Helpful Resources

AI App using best practice career counseling

Helps Students Explore and Narrow Career Options

Interactive PDF Report

Helps Students Explore and Narrow Career Options

Evidence Based Career Counseling for the Modern Post Secondary School

Best Fit Career Finder: A Holistic Approach

Best Fit Career Finder is a research-supported, evidence-based model specifically designed to help students find their best fit careers. This industry leading psychometric assessment tool integrates students’ abilities, interests, personality, and values into a comprehensive report identifying their top 100 career options.

Best Fit Career Finder is only available to educational institutions to ensure that students get expert guidance when working through the Greenwood System™ process to learn about themselves, learn about careers for which they are a good fit, and narrow those career options to their top few best fit careers. In the report, students are also instructed how to create an Action Plan to move forward toward their best futures.

AI Assisted Career Counseling App

AI Assisted Career Counseling App

Using the very latest in artificial intelligence, BFCF is partnering with OpenAI and ChatGPT to assist students with going through the Greenwood System of Career Counseling — Self-Exploration, Career Exploration, and Action Plan! Throughout the career counseling process ChatGPT is there to provide information on careers, make observations and connections between careers and the students’ profiles. 

Together the BFCF report and App provide all the tools you will need to counsel students in a class setting, individually, or autonomously.

Best Fit Career Finder Overview Video

Best Fit Career Finder Student Instructional Video

The Greenwood System™ Self-Exploration, Career Exploration, and Action Plan!

Best Fit Career Finder Overview Video

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